Friday, June 1, 2012

Ribbon Rainbows

The Rainbow Stripe Ribbon
A rainbow appears on the horizon and everyone is delighted.  Perhaps that's why we see so many rainbow stripes around us in our daily lives.  Rainbows are the feel-good color combination that brings contentment to so many.  Perhaps you should try using the rainbow stripe ribbon in your next creation...


  1. Love that Boston Terrier in your posting..Our crazy Boston passed away last year !!
    Do you guys make custom stripes or any custom dyed colors? I make dog collars and leashes and just found your website..awesome !!

  2. Great !! We do all kinds of custom sripes ans custom dyes of grosgrain and satin for as little as a 2000 yard minimum on the stripes..Give us a call anytime at 212 255 4224 and ask for Steve...Look forward to working with you.
